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Character decoding Error while retriving parameters in Servlet. August 21, 2008

Posted by ninadgawad in Javascript.
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WARNING: Parameters: Character decoding failed. Parameter skipped.
java.io.CharConversionException: isHexDigit


  • Generally we get this error when we try to add special characters like “%, @, $ .. etc” in the GET/POST request from Ajax Call.
  • Since these characters are used to URL specific function like “&” id used to differentiate various URL parameters. This generates a “null” value for the parameter you will try to retrieve in Servlet.


The simple way to get over this problem is to massage your Special Character String with “escape()” funtion in javascript.



var vUserEnteredData = document.formname.textbox.value ;  //  textbox = 100%

var parameters = “testId=A101&percentageNeeded=” + vUserEnteredData;

// Some Ajax Code …..

request.setRequestHeader( ‘Content-Type’, ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8’ );
request.setRequestHeader(“Content-length”, parameters.length);
request.setRequestHeader(“Connection”, “close”);

// Note: Here the “%” will cause java.io.CharConversionException: while retriving the percentageNeeded parameter in Servlet.


var vUserEnteredData = document.formname.textbox.value ;  //  textbox = 100%

var parameters = “testId=A101&percentageNeeded=” + escape(vUserEnteredData);

// Some Ajax Code …..

request.setRequestHeader( ‘Content-Type’, ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8’ );
request.setRequestHeader(“Content-length”, parameters.length);
request.setRequestHeader(“Connection”, “close”);

Alternate Solution:

  • We can use Ajax Frameworks rather than manually making the Ajax Request like PrototypeJS, DWR etc.

Clone Javascript Objects July 17, 2008

Posted by ninadgawad in Javascript.

If you are required to create a backup of JavaScript Object use the clone() function rather than a for loop to individually copy the contents of one JavaScript Object into other Object. This will save a lot of time as well if in future the JavaScript Object is modified your are saved from the task of changing your for loop as well.

// Simple Java Script Object

function UserData (user_ID, user_Data_Preference, user_Theme_No){

this.user_ID = user_ID;

this.user_Data_Preference = user_Data_Preference;

this.user_Theme_No = user_Theme_No ;


Consider when the Web Page is loaded this object is populated dynamically and we display the user with respective theme and show data in his preferred form. (e.g. Km/Hr or miles/Hr).

Now you can create a duplicate copy of this JavaScript Object by using the clone() function.


var objUserDataOrg = new UserData(1, data_101, theme_aqua);

// To Create a duplicate copy

var objUserDataDuplicate = objUserDataOrg.clone();

This will be a new object hence changes in the Old Object will not be reflected in the new and vice-versa.

Pros: This is especially useful when you are required to deal with Array of JavaScript Object rather than a single Object.

Cons: All the attributes of the Object are copied into the new object in case you only want some them to be copied this may not work.